Course curriculum

    1. 1 Week Trial Course - Data Engineer Pathway

    2. Know your Instructor - Dr Manish Jain

    3. Audience Profile

    4. Skills Measured

    5. Exam DP-100: Designing and Implementing a Data Science Solution on Azure

    1. 1. Introduction to Python - Python Versions and Installing

    2. Environment Variables

    3. Executing Python from the command line

    4. IDLE

    5. Editing Python files

    6. Python Documentation Getting Help

    7. Dynamic Types

    8. Python Reserved words

    9. Naming Conventions

    10. 2. Basic Python Syntax - Comments

    11. Comments - presentation

    12. String Values

    13. String Values - presentation

    14. String methods

    15. String methods - presentation

    16. String Operators and the format method

    17. String Operators - presentation

    18. Numeric Data types

    19. Numeric Data types - presentation

    20. Conversion Functions

    21. Simple Input and Output

    22. The Print Function

    23. 3. Language Components Indenting requirements - The If statement

    24. Relational Operators

    25. Relational Operators - presentation

    26. Logical Operators

    27. Logical Operators - presentation

    28. Bitwise Operators

    29. Bitwise Operators - presentation

    30. Looping and Branching

    31. Looping and Branching - presentation

    32. 4. Collection Lists - Lists

    33. Lists - presentation

    34. Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries, Sorting Dictionaries

    35. Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries - presentation

    36. Copying Collections

    37. Exercise - Bit wise operators

    38. Exercise - Looping

    39. Practice Exercises

About this course

  • Free
  • 44 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Our Mentor for the Course

Senior Mentor Dr Manish Jain

Industry 4.0 | Blockchain | IOT | ML | Data Science | BigData | AI | Cloud Computing | Hadoop| Deep Learning | Data Science Trainer